Grafana Cloud: Sum by Use String Instead of Int – A Step-by-Step Guide
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Grafana Cloud: Sum by Use String Instead of Int – A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with integers in your Grafana Cloud metrics? Do you want to take your dashboards to the next level by summing up values using strings instead of integers? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to explore the world of string-based summation in Grafana Cloud.

Why Use Strings Instead of Integers?

Before we dive into the how-to section, let’s talk about why you might want to use strings instead of integers in the first place. There are several benefits to using strings:

  • Improved readability**: Strings can be more meaningful and easier to understand than integers, especially when working with categorical data.
  • Increased flexibility**: Strings can be used to represent complex data types, such as JSON objects or XML data.
  • Enhanced data analysis**: By using strings, you can perform more sophisticated analysis and filtering on your data.

Setting Up Your Grafana Cloud Environment

Before we get started, make sure you have the following set up:

  1. A Grafana Cloud account with a valid API key.
  2. A Prometheus or other compatible data source set up and connected to your Grafana Cloud instance.
  3. A basic understanding of Prometheus query language (PromQL).

Understanding the `sum` Aggregation Function

In PromQL, the `sum` aggregation function is used to, well, sum up values. By default, `sum` operates on integer values. However, with a little bit of magic, we can make it work with strings.

sum(label_replace(metric, "my_label", "$1", "old_label", "(.*)"))

In the above example, we’re using the `label_replace` function to replace the `old_label` label with a new label `my_label`, which contains a string value. We’ll get to the details of this function later.

Summing Up Strings Using the `label_replace` Function

The `label_replace` function is the key to summing up strings in Grafana Cloud. It allows you to replace a label value with a new value based on a regex pattern. Here’s the general syntax:

label_replace(metric, "new_label", "regex_pattern", "old_label", "replacement_value")

Let’s break it down:

  • `metric`: The metric you want to apply the label replacement to.
  • `new_label`: The new label name you want to create.
  • `regex_pattern`: The regex pattern to match against the old label value.
  • `old_label`: The old label name you want to replace.
  • `replacement_value`: The new value to replace the old label value with.

Here’s an example:

label_replace(http_request_duration_seconds_sum, "my_label", "(.*)(ms|s|m)", "http_request_duration_seconds_sum", "$1")

In this example, we’re replacing the `http_request_duration_seconds_sum` label with a new label `my_label`, which contains the unit of measurement (e.g., “ms”, “s”, or “m”) extracted from the original label value using a regex pattern.

Summing Up Strings Using the `map` Function

Another way to sum up strings is by using the `map` function. This function allows you to transform a label value based on a given mapping. Here’s the general syntax:

map(metric, "new_label", "mapping")

Let’s break it down:

  • `metric`: The metric you want to apply the mapping to.
  • `new_label`: The new label name you want to create.
  • `mapping`: A mapping of old label values to new label values.

Here’s an example:

map(http_request_duration_seconds_sum, "my_label", {"fast" => "0-50ms", "medium" => "50-200ms", "slow" => "200-500ms"})

In this example, we’re creating a new label `my_label` with values based on the original `http_request_duration_seconds_sum` label value. The `map` function applies the given mapping to transform the label values.

Creating a Dashboard with String-Based Summation

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s create a dashboard that showcases string-based summation in action.

Create a new dashboard in your Grafana Cloud instance and add a panel with the following query:

sum(label_replace(http_request_duration_seconds_sum, "my_label", "(.*)(ms|s|m)", "http_request_duration_seconds_sum", "$1"))

This query uses the `label_replace` function to extract the unit of measurement from the `http_request_duration_seconds_sum` label value and sum up the values by the new `my_label` label.

Configure the panel settings as follows:

Setting Value
Visualization Bar chart
X-axis my_label
Y-axis sum

Save the dashboard and refresh to see the string-based summation in action!


In this article, we’ve explored the world of string-based summation in Grafana Cloud. By using the `label_replace` and `map` functions, you can unlock new possibilities for data analysis and visualization. Remember to experiment with different regex patterns and mappings to get the most out of your string-based summation.

Happy dashboarding, and don’t forget to sum up those strings!

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Get ready to uncover the secrets of Grafana Cloud sum by use string instead of int!

    Why do I need to use a string instead of an integer in Grafana Cloud sum?

    Using a string instead of an integer in Grafana Cloud sum allows for more flexibility and accuracy in your data aggregation. This is because strings can represent a wider range of values, including decimal numbers and custom labels, which can be crucial in certain applications. Plus, it's just more precise, you know?

    How do I switch from integer to string in my Grafana Cloud sum aggregation?

    Easy peasy! Simply update your aggregation query to use the `sum` function with a string argument instead of an integer. For example, change `sum(value)` to `sum(string(value))`. Boom! You're now summing strings instead of integers.

    Will using strings instead of integers affect my data performance in Grafana Cloud?

    In most cases, using strings instead of integers in your sum aggregation won't significantly impact performance. However, if you're dealing with massive datasets, you might notice a slight difference in query execution time. But hey, the added precision is worth it, right?

    Can I use this technique for other aggregation functions in Grafana Cloud, like average or count?

    You bet! This technique can be applied to other aggregation functions, like `avg`, `count`, and more. Just remember to adjust the function and argument accordingly. For example, `avg(string(value))` or `count(string(value))`. Get creative and explore the possibilities!

    What are some common use cases for using strings instead of integers in Grafana Cloud sum?

    Examples include summing financial data with precise decimal values, aggregating custom labels or categorizations, or even combining human-readable data with numeric values. The possibilities are endless! Get inspired and find your own unique use cases.