Solving the Mysterious “Missing ELF symbol for extern const float” Error
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Solving the Mysterious “Missing ELF symbol for extern const float” Error

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon the frustrating “Missing ELF symbol for extern const float” error while trying to compile your C or C++ code. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This error can be particularly vexing, especially for those new to programming. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to vanquish this error and uncover the secrets behind it.

What is an ELF symbol, anyway?

The Curious Case of the Missing ELF symbol

Code Snippet Alert!

extern const float MY_CONSTANT;

int main() {
    float localVar = MY_CONSTANT;
    return 0;

Finding the Culprit: Understanding the Error Message

undefined reference to `MY_CONSTANT'

missing ELF symbol for extern const float MY_CONSTANT

The Solution: Providing a Definition for the External Variable

Method 1: Defining the Variable in a Separate Header File

// constants.h

extern const float MY_CONSTANT = 3.14;

#endif  // CONSTANTS_H

// main.c
#include "constants.h"

int main() {
    float localVar = MY_CONSTANT;
    return 0;

Method 2: Defining the Variable in the Same Source File

// main.c
const float MY_CONSTANT = 3.14;

int main() {
    float localVar = MY_CONSTANT;
    return 0;

Best Practices to Avoid the Error

  • Declare external variables in a separate header file to maintain a clear separation of concerns.
  • Define external variables in a single source file to avoid multiple definitions.
  • Use the `extern` keyword when declaring an external variable to indicate that its definition lies elsewhere.
  • Use a consistent naming convention for your variables and symbols to avoid confusion.

Common Pitfalls to Watch Out For

  1. Multiple definitions: Make sure you don’t define the same external variable in multiple source files, as this will lead to multiple definition errors.
  2. Undeclared variables: Always declare external variables in a header file or the same source file where they’re used.
  3. Linker order issues: The order of object files and libraries during the linking process can affect the availability of symbols. Be mindful of the linker flags and order.
  4. Name mangling: Be aware of name mangling issues that can arise due to differences in symbol naming conventions between languages or compilers.


As a parting gift, here’s a handy table to summarize the key takeaways:
Issue Solution
Undeclared external variable Declare the variable in a header file or the same source file
Multiple definitions Define the variable in a single source file
Linker order issues Check the linker flags and order
Name mangling Be aware of symbol naming conventions
Happy coding, and may the linker be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about “Missing ELF symbol for extern const float”!

What does “Missing ELF symbol for extern const float” mean?

This error message typically occurs when the linker is unable to find a definition for an extern const float variable that is declared in your program. This can happen if the variable is not initialized or if it’s not linked correctly.

Why does the linker not find the definition for the extern const float variable?

There could be several reasons why the linker can’t find the definition. Maybe the variable is not defined in any translation unit, or it’s defined in a way that’s not visible to the linker. It’s also possible that the variable is declared in a header file but not defined in any of the source files.

How can I fix the “Missing ELF symbol for extern const float” error?

To fix the error, you need to make sure the extern const float variable is defined in exactly one translation unit. You can do this by defining the variable in one of your source files, or by using a header file that’s included in all the files that use the variable.

What if I’m using a third-party library that declares an extern const float variable?

If you’re using a third-party library that declares an extern const float variable, you’ll need to make sure the library provides the definition for the variable. Check the library’s documentation to see if it requires any special linker flags or if it needs to be compiled in a specific way.

Can I use a const float variable without declaring it as extern?

Yes, you can definitely use a const float variable without declaring it as extern. In fact, if the variable is only used in one translation unit, it’s better to define it as a static const float variable instead. This way, you can avoid any potential linker issues.