How to Create a Table for CloudFront Log Partitioned by Date in Athena?
Image by Hermona -

How to Create a Table for CloudFront Log Partitioned by Date in Athena?

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Are you struggling to create a table for CloudFront log partitioned by date in Athena? Worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through a step-by-step process to create a table that partitions your CloudFront logs by date, making it easier to analyze and gain insights from your data.

What is CloudFront and Athena?

Before we dive into the technicalities, let’s quickly cover what CloudFront and Athena are:

  • CloudFront: Amazon CloudFront is a fast content delivery network (CDN) that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally with high transfer speeds and low latency.
  • Athena: Amazon Athena is a serverless, interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena is ideal for quick ad-hoc querying, data analysis, and business intelligence.

Why Partition CloudFront Logs by Date?

Partitioning your CloudFront logs by date offers several benefits:

  • Improved query performance: By partitioning your data, Athena can focus on a smaller subset of data, reducing the time it takes to execute queries.
  • Reduced storage costs: Partitioning helps to organize and compress data, resulting in lower storage costs.
  • Better data management: Partitioning enables you to manage your data more efficiently, making it easier to delete or archive old data.

Step 1: Create an S3 Bucket and Configure CloudFront

Before creating a table in Athena, you need to set up an S3 bucket to store your CloudFront logs and configure CloudFront to deliver logs to the bucket:

  1. Create an S3 bucket: Go to the AWS Management Console, navigate to S3, and create a new bucket. Make a note of the bucket name, as you’ll need it later.
  2. Configure CloudFront: Go to the AWS Management Console, navigate to CloudFront, and select the distribution you want to configure. Under the “General” tab, click “Edit” and then select “Yes” for “Logging.” Enter the S3 bucket name and a prefix for the log files (e.g., “cloudfront-logs/”).

Step 2: Create a Table in Athena

Now that your S3 bucket is set up and CloudFront is delivering logs to it, let’s create a table in Athena:

  `Date` DATE,
  Time STRING,
  Location STRING,
  BytesSent BIGINT,
  Requests BIGINT,
  ViewerCountry STRING,
  ServiceProvider STRING,
  ResponseResultType STRING,
  ContentType STRING,
  EdgeLocation STRING,
  Cname STRING,
  IpAddress STRING
LOCATION 's3://your-bucket-name/cloudfront-logs/';

In the above code:

  • `Date` is the partition column.
  • The `PARTITIONED BY (Date)` clause specifies that the table is partitioned by the `Date` column.
  • The `ROW FORMAT DELIMITED` clause specifies that the data is in a delimited format (in this case, tab-separated).
  • The `FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘\t’` clause specifies that the fields are terminated by a tab character.
  • The `STORED AS TEXTFILE` clause specifies that the data is stored as a text file.
  • The `LOCATION` clause specifies the S3 bucket and prefix where the log files are stored.

Step 3: Load Partitions into Athena

After creating the table, you need to load the partitions into Athena:

MSCK REPAIR TABLE cloudfront_logs;

This command updates the partition metadata in Athena, making the partitions available for querying.

Step 4: Query Your Partitioned Table

Now that your table is partitioned and loaded into Athena, you can query your data using standard SQL:

FROM cloudfront_logs
WHERE Date = '2022-07-25';

This query retrieves all columns (`*`) from the `cloudfront_logs` table where the `Date` column is `2022-07-25`.

Column Name Data Type Description
Date DATE The date when the log was generated
Time STRING The time when the log was generated (in UTC)
Location STRING The location where the request was made
BytesSent BIGINT The number of bytes sent
Requests BIGINT The number of requests made
ViewerCountry STRING The country where the request was made
ServiceProvider STRING The service provider (e.g., Amazon CloudFront)
EdgeID STRING The Edge ID (unique identifier for the edge location)
ResponseResultType STRING The result type of the response (e.g., hit, miss, etc.)
ContentType STRING The content type of the response
Uri STRING The requested URI
EdgeLocation STRING The edge location (e.g., AWS region, etc.)
ISP STRING The internet service provider (ISP) of the viewer
Cname STRING The canonical name (CNAME) of the requested resource
IpAddress STRING The IP address of the viewer


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the steps to create a table for CloudFront log partitioned by date in Athena. By following these instructions, you’ll be able to analyze and gain insights from your CloudFront logs more efficiently. Remember to adapt the table schema and queries according to your specific use case.

Happy querying!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck while creating a table for CloudFront log partitioned by date in Athena? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Q1: What is the first step to create a table for CloudFront log partitioned by date in Athena?

The first step is to create an external table in Athena that points to the CloudFront log files stored in S3. You can use the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement to define the table structure and location.

Q2: How do I specify the date partitioning in the CREATE TABLE statement?

You can specify the date partitioning by adding a PARTITIONED BY clause to the CREATE TABLE statement, followed by the date column name and the date format (e.g. ‘yyyy-mm-dd’). For example: PARTITIONED BY (date_column DATE).

Q3: What is the correct syntax for specifying the location of the CloudFront log files in S3?

The correct syntax is: LOCATION ‘s3://your-bucket-name/CloudFrontLogs/’; Replace ‘your-bucket-name’ with the actual name of your S3 bucket.

Q4: Can I use a wildcard (*) in the location path to include all subfolders?

Yes, you can use a wildcard (*) in the location path to include all subfolders. For example: LOCATION ‘s3://your-bucket-name/CloudFrontLogs/*/’; This will include all files in the CloudFrontLogs folder and its subfolders.

Q5: How do I query the partitioned table in Athena?

To query the partitioned table, you can use a SELECT statement with a WHERE clause that filters on the date partition. For example: SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE date_column = ‘2022-01-01’; This will return all rows for the specified date.