Is Haskell’s Type System Curry-style or Church-style?
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Is Haskell’s Type System Curry-style or Church-style?

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Welcome to the world of functional programming, where the lines between Curry-style and Church-style type systems can get blurry. In this article, we’ll dive into the fascinating realm of Haskell’s type system and explore whether it’s Curry-style or Church-style.

Table of Contents

What are Curry-style and Church-style type systems?

Before we dive into Haskell’s type system, let’s define what Curry-style and Church-style type systems are.

Curry-style type systems

In a Curry-style type system, types are associated with terms, and type checking is performed at runtime. This means that the type system is more flexible, allowing for implicit type conversions and subtyping. Curry-style type systems are commonly used in languages like ML, Scala, and Rust.

// Example in ML
let id = fn x => x;
val id: 'a -> 'a

In this example, the `id` function takes a value `x` of type `’a` and returns it unchanged. The type system infers that `id` has type `’a -> ‘a`, which means it can take any type `’a` as an argument and return the same type.

Church-style type systems

In a Church-style type system, types are associated with expressions, and type checking is performed at compile-time. This means that the type system is more static, requiring explicit type annotations and prohibiting implicit type conversions. Church-style type systems are commonly used in languages like Haskell, Idris, and Coq.

-- Example in Haskell
id :: a -> a
id x = x

In this example, the `id` function takes a value `x` of type `a` and returns it unchanged. The type system requires an explicit type annotation `a -> a`, which means the function takes a value of type `a` and returns the same type.

Haskell’s Type System

Haskell’s type system is often described as statically typed, which means it’s Church-style. However, Haskell’s type system is more nuanced than that. While it’s true that Haskell requires explicit type annotations, it also has features like type inference, which makes it seem more Curry-style.

Let’s explore Haskell’s type system in more detail.

Type Inference

Haskell’s type system has a powerful type inference mechanism, which allows you to omit type annotations in many cases. When you write a function or expression without explicit type annotations, the type checker infers the types based on the context.

-- Example in Haskell
id x = x

In this example, the `id` function is defined without explicit type annotations. The type checker infers that `id` has type `a -> a`, which means it takes a value of type `a` and returns the same type.

This might seem like a Curry-style type system, where the type checker infers the types at runtime. However, Haskell’s type checker is actually performing type inference at compile-time, which means it’s still a Church-style type system.

Type Classes

Haskell’s type system also has type classes, which allow you to define a set of functions or operations that a type can support. Type classes are similar to interfaces in object-oriented programming.

-- Example in Haskell
class Eq a where
  (==) :: a -> a -> Bool

instance Eq Int where
  x == y = x == y

In this example, the `Eq` type class defines a single function `(==)` that takes two arguments of type `a` and returns a `Bool` value. The `instance Eq Int` declaration defines an instance of the `Eq` type class for the `Int` type.

Type classes are a key feature of Haskell’s type system, and they allow you to define flexible and modular code.

Is Haskell’s Type System Curry-style or Church-style?

So, is Haskell’s type system Curry-style or Church-style? The answer is that it’s primarily Church-style, but with some Curry-style features.

Haskell’s type system requires explicit type annotations, which makes it Church-style. However, Haskell’s type inference mechanism and type classes make it more flexible and dynamic, which are characteristics of Curry-style type systems.

In conclusion, Haskell’s type system is a unique blend of Church-style and Curry-style features. While it’s primarily a Church-style type system, it has some Curry-style elements that make it more flexible and expressive.


In this article, we’ve explored the differences between Curry-style and Church-style type systems, and examined Haskell’s type system in detail. We’ve seen that Haskell’s type system is primarily Church-style, but with some Curry-style features like type inference and type classes.

Whether you’re a seasoned Haskell developer or just starting out, understanding the type system is essential for writing robust and maintainable code. By grasping the nuances of Haskell’s type system, you’ll be better equipped to tackle complex programming tasks and write more elegant code.

Further Reading

Feature Curry-style Church-style Haskell
Type checking Runtime Compile-time Compile-time
Type annotations Implicit Explicit Explicit (with type inference)
Type inference Yes No Yes (at compile-time)
Type classes No No Yes

Note: The table above is a summary of the key differences between Curry-style, Church-style, and Haskell’s type systems. It’s not an exhaustive list, but it highlights the main features of each type system.

Frequently Asked Question

Haskell’s type system is a fundamental aspect of the language, and understanding its Curry- or Church-style nature is crucial for any Haskell enthusiast. Here are some frequently asked questions to clear up any confusion!

Is Haskell’s type system purely Curry-style?

Not quite! While Haskell’s type system is often referred to as Curry-style, it’s actually a mix of both Curry- and Church-style principles. Haskell’s type system is based on System F, which is a Curry-style system, but it also has some Church-style features, such as the ability to encode Church numerals.

What’s the main difference between Curry-style and Church-style type systems?

In a Curry-style system, functions take individual arguments, whereas in a Church-style system, functions take a single argument that contains all the inputs. Think of Curry-style as “curried” functions, where each argument is applied separately, versus Church-style, where all arguments are bundled together.

How does Haskell’s type system benefit from being a mix of Curry- and Church-style?

By combining the strengths of both styles, Haskell’s type system gains expressiveness, flexibility, and scalability. It allows for more concise and elegant code, while also providing a strong foundation for type inference and checking.

Are there any other programming languages that exhibit similar type system properties?

Yes, languages like Scala, Rust, and Idris also have type systems that blend Curry- and Church-style principles. These languages share similarities with Haskell in terms of their type system design and capabilities.

What resources can I use to learn more about Haskell’s type system and Curry- vs. Church-style type systems?

To dive deeper, I recommend checking out resources like the Haskell Book, the Type Systems book, and research papers on System F and lambda calculus. Online courses, tutorials, and communities like and Reddit’s r/learnhaskell can also provide valuable insights and support.

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